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Planned Giving
The simple act of leaving a planned gift will ensure that your love of animals never dies. If you plan on making a will (or already have one) and you'd like to leave a gift to benefit Sunshine State Humane Society, we recommend the following language:
"I bequeath to Sunshine State Humane Society, Inc., a non-for-profit organization EIN # 88-2785867, based in Tampa, Florida the sum of $_____________ for the unrestricted purposes of the organization."
Another option is to leave a percentage of your estate.
"I bequeath Sunshine State Humane Society, Inc., a non-profit EIN # 88-2785867 based in Tampa, Florida _____ % of my estate for the unrestricted purposes of the organization."
Other options include making Sunshine State Humane Society the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, retirement account and/or appreciated investments. This can be done by contacting your agent and providing them with our information:
Legal Name: Sunshine State Humane Society, Inc.
Designation: 501 (c)3 non-profit
EIN # 88-2785867
Let's Talk
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or if you'd like information about leaving restricted funds.
(813) 816-1498